Bryan Trooper One Of Ohio’s Finest

An Ohio State High­way Patrol Trooper liv­ing in Bryan, has been cho­sen as the Trooper of the year at the Defi­ance Post.

Matthew Gard­ner, of Bryan, was chosed in recog­ni­tion of his out­stand­ing ser­vice by his fel­low offi­cers sta­tioned at the Defi­ance Post. Trooper Gardner’s lead­er­ship abil­i­ties, pro­fes­sional ethics, cour­te­ous treat­ment of oth­ers, enthu­si­as­tic work atti­tude and coop­er­a­tion with super­vi­sors, peers, and the pub­lic all con­tributed to his selec­tion accord­ing to the High­way Patrol.

Gard­ner, who is orig­i­nally from Cal­i­for­nia, began his career with the Ohio High­way Patrol in 2009 and has been sta­tioned at the Defi­ance Post ever since. He has earned other awards in the past, includ­ing the Phys­i­cal Fit­ness Award and Safe Dri­ving Award.

Gard­ner and his wife, Car­rie, live in Bryan with their four children.

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