Edgerton’s fis­cal deficit was the main con­cern at the Edger­ton Vil­lage Coun­cil meet­ing Mon­day evening.

Fire Chief Scott Blue told coun­cil he got a bid for a much-needed new fire truck. The cost of the new tanker would be $248,202, with the bulk of it to be paid by a grant total­ing $179,550 from the Fed­eral Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency.

Edgerton’s Fire­fight­ers Asso­ci­a­tion, accord­ing to the Bryan Times, has com­mit­ted $30,000 to the cost, and pos­si­bly may come up with a few dol­lars more. The worst case sce­nario for the vil­lage would be a bal­ance of $38,652.

Coun­cil Pres­i­dent Trevor Weaver though, said he wasn’t going to approve the expen­di­ture until he knew where the money would be com­ing from.

No action was taken due to ques­tions about the village’s abil­ity to come up with money.

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