On Tues­day the Bryan Board of Pub­lic Affairs passed a res­o­lu­tion to accept a con­tract with Michi­gan Under­ground LLC for the 2013 Nor­lick Place elec­tric pri­mary and sec­ondary replace­ment project for $54,898.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, it’s the sec­ond time the project has been sub­mit­ted for bids. The first time the bids were over bud­get.

The only other bid­der was S & S Direc­tional Bor­ing Ltd. with a base bid of $70,362.

At Tuesday’s meet­ing, the board approved a request to move Tim­o­thy Moes from pro­ba­tion­ary to reg­u­lar sta­tus as power plant super­vi­sor with a wage increase to go along with it. They also agreed to reclas­sify Whit­ney Long­core.

Board mem­bers want to remind the pub­lic that trash will be picked up on Memo­r­ial Day as reg­u­larly sched­uled, how­ever Bryan City offices will be closed.

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