New School Detailed

The new 6th through 12th grade school in Bryan will be a 141,000 square foot facil­ity, that will house Bryan’s mid­dle school and high school stu­dents under one roof.

Toledo News Now reports that the new, state of the art facil­ity, will cost $35 mil­lion to build and will be sit­u­ated on Foun­tain Grove Drive, right next to the district’s admin­is­tra­tion build­ing and cur­rent mid­dle school.

School offi­cials say the new build­ing will mean increased effi­ciency, and the abil­ity to move into 21st cen­tury edu­ca­tion.

Ground­break­ing is now set for the spring, in April, and the new school is expected to be ready for the open­ing of the 2016 school year.

In addi­tion to con­struc­tion of the new build­ing, another $18 Mil­lion is being spent on ren­o­va­tions of the cur­rent mid­dle school, which will then be repur­posed as the preschool through 5th grade building.

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