School Drug Testing Considered

Stu­dents in the Wayne Trace School Dis­trict may soon be rou­tinely tested for drugs.

The school board on Mon­day evening dis­cussed the mer­its of a drug test­ing pol­icy for junior high/high school student-athletes.

Teach­ers, coaches, and admin­is­tra­tors pre­sented infor­ma­tion about how a drug test­ing pro­gram for the 2014–15 school year could work and what the pos­si­ble costs could be. The board was hop­ing to get input from com­mu­nity, but no par­ents or stu­dents showed up for the meet­ing. If imple­mented, the Pauld­ing County Hos­pi­tal would han­dle the test­ing.

Dis­cus­sion ranged from test­ing just student-athletes in grades from 7–12 that com­pete in extra-curricular activ­i­ties, to also test­ing band and choir mem­bers, and also all stu­dents who drive to school at Wayne Trace.

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